
July 16th, Review: Coming Soon

Thursday 29 July 2010

Toy Story 3

The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Harry Potters, James Bonds and The Godfather Trilogy (the third one is up to you) all great movie franchises, which all have there place in film history, well add another, Toy Story. From the first meeting of Woody, Buzz and the gang, fifteen years, it was a hit. Pixar's highest grossing film, as well as the company début in the film world. It was then suppressed by Cars, Monsters Inc and Finding Nemo, and eventually Toy Story 2. This film is fantastic, lets get that out of the way to start. The combination in humour for the children and adults is a rare thing that works in a children's film, and if it doesn't the film can drag for an adult (seen in Shrek 4.) But this film does not drag, as even though you know you are moments away from the credits, you feel like you don't want it to end, you want more, as a little tear fills your eye, while you are waving yourself, good bye to Woody, Buzz and the gang. Who essentially, if you are a fan of films, became like your toys. Now to the film aspects, the animation is spot on beautiful, and not only does Toy Story 3 have one of the best openings, of a child's film, but I would go as far to say the opening scenes are one of the best in cinematic history. Surprisingly, even with the less characters, (Weezy, and with a little sniffle, Bo Peep etc) the films focusses more on the plot rather than giving each character a number of lines and scenes to themselves. The story is classic one, thinking your in hell, escaping from that hell to a place like heaven, only to find this place is worse that hell before (it's hard to believe that the latter hell, I'm referring too, is called Sunnyside Daycare.) With action worthy of a Bond movie (the opening scene) and a villain so dastardly he makes the Wicked Witch of the West look yellow. The films is phenomenal and as this is being written Toy Story 3 is rapidally climbing the highest grossing films ever ladder (when this was written it was at number 38) and its extremly deserving of it. This film is brilliant.


  1. I loved this movie too. Good review!! I still can't believe they got rid of Bo-Peep off screen! She was Woody's girlfriend.
    Tortilla Mr Potato Head was hilarious though!

  2. I have my own blog, called Nicky's Film Basement. I was wondering how you got the stars?? I always end up writing 4 STARS.
